about Me

about Me

Monday, November 10, 2014


  1. I've been reading/studying some about Neuroplasticity, and teaching on it, as I understand it, at METRON...

    Neuroplasticity, of course, is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life...Dr. Joe Dispenza (who I love) talks about it a lot, and I find it fascinating that they/we are learning to rethink brain function, and that we have information available to us on the subject that can improve our lives...

    Neuroplasticity allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment...I like embracing the notion than we can change the way we think, and ultimately change our lives as a result...

    Since I've been talking about it, a few people have asked me if I think that Neuroplasticity offers us the option of changing our sexual orientation, and my simple answer to that is no...

    I know that what they are really asking is if I think you can change from gay to straight, and again, the answer is no...

    Homosexuality or same-sex attraction in humans is just a natural part of the biological experience, like left-handedness or having red hair...it doesn't need to be changed...not everyone is meant to be a breeder, and even those of us who are gay and still figured out a way to reproduce are not breeders by orientation...I sired four children, and was gay the whole time because that's how I was born...if I had been celibate my entire life, I would still be gay, just like heterosexuals are still straight, whether or not they ever have sex...

    I already wrote a book about this, so I won't repeat myself, but it's pointless to keep bringing up the "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" nonsense, because heterosexuality is simply not the norm for everyone...homosexual behavior in animals is a reality, regardless of how many times you quote Moses or Paul or say that same-sex attraction is abnormal... sexual behavior among non-human species that is interpreted as homosexual or bisexual may include sexual activity, courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting among same-sex animal pairs...research indicates that various forms of this are found throughout the animal kingdom...as of 1999, nearly 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, have been observed engaging in same-sex behaviors...this is well documented in about 500 species...

    I've been asked in many interviews if I would choose to be straight if I could, and again, the answer is no...I am who I am, and I embrace all of me, including the fact that I'm gay...I wouldn't be me otherwise...

    So I will continue to explore the things that can be changed through Neuroplasticity...I've even experienced some positive changes in myself recently through the "re-fire and re-wire" concept...the brain is an amazing thing...but I will never change the fact that I have blue eyes, am left-handed, have curly hair, and am gay...

    And I'm totally good with that...