about Me

about Me

Sunday, March 22, 2015


To Jim Swilley,

This weekend I happen to be surfing the web and somehow landed on your story of truth.  There are so many things I wish to express after spending time researching your story both in the past and present.  However I will not try here.

Simply, all I want to say is THANK YOU! 

Observing your courage to openly express the truth of your being gay to your spiritual community was uplifting to me.  I am a 56yo, African American gay man whose journey has been somewhat similar.  I am not a minister but have been a musician of sorts throughout my life in the church.  Having walked the Christian, Non-denomination, and now Unity path, I reached a point where I felt confused and challenged by trying to be truthful to my gayness while being a man of faith.

You have inspired me to continue the journey and have faith that God loves me.  I have a bit of fear as I get older and look towards my future.  I think by finding your ministry I will be able to connect to an online community that will help me navigate that journey in a positive.

I look forward to continuing to following, no connecting, to you and your ministry!

Peace and Blessings


  1. Barbara Clancy said...

    Thank you for sharing your mail with us.

    1. Barbara Clancy said...

      Recently I had lunch with a dear friend and was able to answer some questions and give her some food for thought. It was my voice but much of what I was able to share with her were your words. Thank you for sharing with us so I could share with her.

  2. Jere Luck said...

    So cool!!! Trailblazer...

    1. Jere Luck said...

      I need to order some more copies. I just gave my last copy to a dear friend who's 18 yr old grandson came out. And he's struggling. He said he'd read it. I asked him to give it to his grandson afterwards if it ministered to him.
      But I'm gonna want a signed copy for me again.
