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about Me

Monday, July 18, 2016

In the Mail

Hello Bishop,
My sister & I have just been introduced to your ministry by a friend of ours through YouTube. First and foremost we'd like to say THANK YOU for being such a great example of courage, love & God. We both have come from a background where God was so misrepresented that we almost gave up altogether because we had a certain perception of God through what others (pastors, ministers, etc) had told/shown us. Just when we had almost given up hope we saw your video on YouTube when you shared with your church YOUR truth. That was such a powerful moment. To witness that moment, even through YouTube, was empowering and enlightening. You are clearly a true man of God and HOW you love him is so evident through your life. However, despite the kick back you received after that, I am so glad that you didn't allow that to stop you there. Your "in the now" sessions have been such a blessing to us! I think of you every day bishop and I pray for you & your family. I can honestly say that you have made such a great impact on my life already and I am grateful for your sacrifice to get where you are today! Never forget that you are such an amazing man. God bless you bishop. I do have one question. Where can my sister and I visit you? We currently live in Maryland but we would like to come to hear you preach one day. Do you hold any conferences? And if so how can we be involved? 

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